Karel Hadek


Only the best is good enough



Our company, 1. Aromaterapeutická KH a.s. , is a firm with a long-time tradition not only on the Czech market. We make products for a complex full-body skin care. We build on the unique quality and exceptionality of our own formulas. In our production we take into consideration our clients’ requirements.

We manufacture fresh and small product series and we also provide expert advice.

For orders in the United Kingdom, you can contact our representative Marina Kowalska,


Manufacturing physiological cosmetics, which we specialize in, puts high demands on the procurement of certified, high quality ingredients. They must be completely natural and be sourced at environmentally pristine sites; they must not contain herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals or other undesirable additives. The high demands, however, must then also be met by the manufacturing technology.

Every ingredient our company procures on the global market is always accompanied with an analysis certificate that confirms the high quality of the product and its typical composition.

Karel Hadek
Karel Hadek

Our products are suitable for everyday use and thanks to their high quality can bring about relaxation, stimulate in case of physical and mental fatigue and they can also help to improve various health issues.